Welcome Prof. Guangping Zeng, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China to be the TPC of MLISE 2024.

Welcome Prof. Guangping Zeng, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China to be the TPC of MLISE 2024.


Prof. Guangping Zeng, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China


曾广平,湖南省石门县人,北京科技大学计算机工学博士(师从中国人工智能科学家涂序彦先生),美国加州大学伯克利分校计算机博士后(师从模糊数学创立者Lotfi A.Zadeh 先生)。现任北京科技大学计算机与通信工程学院教授、博士生导师,院学术委员会及学位委员会委员,材料领域知识工程北京市重点实验室副主任。曾任北科大学术委员会委员、信息工程学院学术委员会副主任及学位委员会副主席、计算机科学技术系主任、中南大学计算机软件研究所所长。 兼任国家科学技术进步奖会议评审专家和国家“863”核、高、基会议评审专家,国家自然科学基金、发改委、科技部、工信部、北京市、山东省等部委和省市的科技项目评审专家;国家“万人计划”领军人才、长江学者、****、青年****、博士后项目、出国留学项目等的评审专家。曾任中国人工智能学会(CAAI)理事和北京市人工智能学会(BAAI)副理事长、中南大学计算机软件研究所所长、湖南省政府专家组成员、湖南省计算机学会软件技术委员会主任。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、国家863和科技攻关项目5项、参与5项,主持省部级和其它科研课题10余项。获得“科学中国人(2011)年度人物”、中国人工智能学会吴文俊科学技术创新奖(2013)、湖南省优秀科技专家称号并入选湖南省跨世纪学术带头人(1999)、入选中国有色金属总公司跨世纪学术带头人(1997)。获得省部级以上科技成果奖6项。撰写专著3部,发表学术论文120余篇。培养指导博士生28名、硕士生116名。

Guangping Zeng, born in Shimen County, Hunan Province, Ph.D. in computer engineering from University of Science and Technology Beijing under the guidance of Chinese AI guru Tu Xuyan, postdoctoral fellow in computer science at EECS, University of California, Berkeley under the guidance of member of NEE , the founder of fuzzy mathematics. He is currently full professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Computer and Communication Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, member of the Academic Committee and Degree Committee of the school, and deputy director of Beijing Key Laboratory of Knowledge Engineering in the Field of Materials. He used to be a member of the Academic Committee of Beijing University of Science and Technology, deputy director of the Academic Committee and vice chairman of the Academic Degree Committee of the School of Information Engineering, chairman of the Department of Computer Science and Technology, and director of the Institute of Computer Software of Central South University. He is also a meeting review expert of the National Science and Technology Prinze and the National "863 " project of China, and an expert of science and technology project review of the National Natural Science Foundation, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Beijing, Shandong and other ministries and municipalities; National "Wanren Plan" leading talents, Yangtze River scholars, Thousand talents Plan, Young Thousand Talents Plan, postdoctoral projects, study abroad projects and other review experts. He has served as the member of the Chinese Society for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) and the vice chairman of the Beijing Society for Artificial Intelligence (BAAI), the director of the Computer Software Institute of Central South University, the member of the Hunan Government expert group, and the director of the Software Technical Committee of Hunan Computer Society. He has presided over 3 National Natural Science Foundation projects, 5 national “863” and other national science and technology research projects, and presided over more than 10 provincial and ministerial level and other research projects. He won the "Scientific Chinese Laurels of the Year (2011)", the Wu Wenjun Science and Technology Innovation Award of the Chinese Society for Artificial Intelligence (2013), the title of Outstanding Science and Technology Expert of Hunan Province, and was selected as the cross-century Academic Leader of Hunan Province (1999), and the cross-century Academic leader of China Non-Ferrous Metals Corporation (1997). He won six provincial and ministerial level science and technology achievement awards. He has written 3 monographs and published more than 120 academic papers. It has trained and supervised 28 doctoral students and 116 master students.